Can AI be creative?

We've touched this topic a few times in our journey and I am sure that there will be more to be discovered and revealed. It reminded me of a book I read a while ago on "Blue Ocean Marketing" which I found amazing. It basically talks about creating new markets as opposed to competing with the existing ones. Companies like Apple, Google or Amazon followed this path to some extent, which set them apart from the crowd. I personally find creativity an imminent element that has the ability to revolutionise our lives every single day. It is like a fuel to our inner and outer purpose. We have to agree at least on this one. However, why are there so few revolutionary companies when, clearly, there are so many great minds in the world? Is Education or Society staying in our way of becoming and staying more creative? What stays in your way of creating something great today? 


The same inner dialogue took me on the AI creativity topic. I am pretty sure that there are solid studies that prove its transformative abilities in one way or the other. But this is not what I want to talk about today. As you've probably noticed from reading my content, I prefer asking questions "to be reflected upon", rather than giving "a version" of the truth. So, the biggest question here is "Is it possible that we are making a similar mistake to what the author in the Blue Ocean Marketing talks about, when we try to rationalize or put into a cognitive box the AI's ability of being creative? And if that is the case, are we doing it because we fear that by embracing its creative potential we jeopardize "in a way" our own growth opportunities? The truth is that the AI's creative potential has been proven to us over and over. And, I totally get that many of us have reason to believe that "creativity" is an attribute that is solely related to "humanity".
I won't argue that, but I will end this inner dialogue with a powerful question "Is it possible that the "US" who think that way are just wrong?". 
by Galina Barbascumpa