How do countries that don't have access to legal software, if any, handle their legal practice?

The very first thing that popped up in my head was the Beatles' song "Imagine".  You can tell that I am getting a little more creative here.

"Imagine there is no legal software
It's easy if you try
Not even one computer
Just plain paper and a pen
Imagine all lawyers working like in-good old days.
Imagine there is no Clio, or Smokeball or no MyCase
It isn't hard to do
There is no need to choose among the best
And no internet too
Imagine all the lawyers working only using pen and paper."


These lyrics are amazing and we could go on and on with them. It would be difficult to identify a country that doesn't have access to the internet and /or access to a legal management practice. The only thing that we could do is reflect on how things were done in our countries in the past and imagine that maybe some lawyers still choose to run their practice by not abiding to the legal software trend, and that despite the fact that they do have access to the internet. Running a legal practice without a legal practice management software would look like:

  •     missing on running your legal practice from a virtual office;
  •     not being able to hire professionals nationwide or worldwide;
  •     being overwhelmed by the astronautics space rent fees, especially if you live in a city like New York;
  •     having to deal with lots of paperwork which requires additional human resource and space;
  •     missing on the ability to work from anywhere, at any time of the day and in whatever clothing you are comfortable with;
  •     missing on the ability to delegate some your admin tasks to a Virtual Assistant;
  •     missing on keeping yourself up to date with what is happening in the world;
  •     missing on running a successful and efficient legal practice. 

And again we can go on and on with this list. There is a lot to miss out when we ignore the changing trend. Also, when we choose to remain resistant to change. When we think that our way is the best way and no one else can tell us "what to do". We are missing out in our lives when we don't take advantage of all those things that internet has to offer us.

"You may say I am a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some that day you will join us
And the legal world will become one."
by Galina Barbascumpa