Legal Technology


Just a couple of years ago those two words were not just incompatible, but even mutually exclusive of one another . The ability to read, memorize, write and argue were enough for one to make it in the legal world, whatever "making it" meant. The awakening of the legal industry for some reason was delayed the most, despite all of the existing sings and changes happening in the world. One can blame the system, the history, lack of resources and so on. The fact is that it did fall behind and because it refused to embrace the changes willingly, it will now be forced to do so.  

Many of us did become familiar with the concept of "spiritual awakening" either through a personal self-discovery journey or being exposed to people and circumstances that made them think that there were other ways of doing things. The concept of awakening doesn't necessary relate to one giving up on the life in a big city, for example, and becoming a monk. I am sure that there are plenty of these stories out there, but in my opinion the "awakening" can be viewed in so many other ways. To me, the awakening of the legal industry was more of a "how to leave behind the non-working ways and come up with those that do?" and embrace the changes that no longer can be ignored and pretend they do not exist. 

So, what is the biggest challenge for law firms today? Adapting to a new business model that embraces and incorporates legal technology that will result in an increased ability to take on additional legal projects. How does a law firm that embraces and incorporates legal technology looks like? 

  • It is technology competent in general.
  • Takes advantage of the technology to help fulfill operation need, streamline systems, meet goals, and improve client service. 
  • Is up to date and frequently training in technology systems and tools. 
  • Runs a paperless law firm by scanning and digitally filing all paperwork, shredding what they don't need, and keeping the things they do. 
  • Runs a mobile firm using mobile technology to work productively and securely from outside of the office. 
  • Conducts date security threat assessment with an up to date thread model and written security policy. 
  • Has technology systems that reflect the firm's security needs and those of their clients. ​

And how does the future look for those law firms that refused to embrace and incorporate the legal technology?

  • They will most likely feel left behind. 
  • Their operation will be very inefficient. 
  • Which will lead to them experiencing huge lost revenue. 

It is probably too late to ​gamble about what the future may look like for those left behind because that future arrived faster than we've expected. It is too late to think about "preventative measures". Now that you are facing the adversity, what you can do is "reinvent your law firm."How can you do that? You may start by making a roadmap. Your roadmap will help up you reach the technology set for your firm. 

But before you do that, you will have to think of the big picture. Why is this an essential step, because you won't be able to accomplish your goals without having an idea of where you are heading. Some of the steps you may start with are the following: ​

  • Outline the technology you would like your firm to use on a daily basis. 
  • Train your team and keep them up to date with the latest tools in the market. 
  • Decide on the tools you will need to put in place to become more client focused. 
  • Asses and understand the current technology tools you posses and decide on whether they need to be replaced in order for you to be able to achieve your short and long terms goals. 

I find that many law firms fall behind on training and development of their employees which are critical for the firm's success. Now more than ever, it is the time to view your employees in the light of your firm's future depending upon how much it is being invested in them today. Embracing and incorporating the human element is as important as embracing and incorporating technology. A law firm will thrive only when all these elements are in harmony. 

And obviously, you will have to have a plan in place for data security. Which means, understanding the threats your face, how you might be putting your clients information at risk is essential. Some of the measures related to the right data security protocol that you will have to embrace are the following: 

  • Proper encryption.
  • File backup.
  • Mobile security. 
  • Password security. 
  • Wi-Fi and VPN security. 

Companies that focus on their customer ​are 60% more profitable. Thus, only by embracing legal technology and becoming more client-focused, your law firm will have a better chance for success. This is why choosing the right technology for your firm becomes even more essential because it will allow you to manage your clients effectively, also tools such as virtual receptionists, virtual email and text communication will enhance the delivery of your legal services in ways that are more convenient and appealing to your client. 

It is no secret how the internet and technology revolution have impacted our day to day lives and it may seem quiet overwhelming to deal with thousands of software, hardware, accessories and systems that tech companies are releasing to meet the demand. However, regardless of how overwhelming and resourceful the legal technology market may be, you will need to choose the tools that best fit your personal and your business goals. Some of the tools you will have to choose for your law firm are: 

  • Accounting software.
  • Billing and timekeeping software. 
  • Backup software.
  • Cloud-based software, etc. 

Now more than ever, the market is in need of technologically competent attorneys. The implementation of the legal technology properly should automate tasks such as billing, client intake and replace your manual workflows. 

If only a month ago we could afford doing business the "old fashioned way", today we must accept that the first step towards success is accepting that our law firms need technology in order to embrace the very near future in a very successful way.  Change is no longer an option, but a necessity!