Our Purpose vs. The Purpose Put into a Machine

Everytime I think of the word "purpose" my mind takes me to the very early years of my life when life seemed like a fairytale and an endless opportunity. I still think that way, although some of my very old dreams have been crushed quite a few times. I strongly believe that a life lived without purpose is a life not worth living. Purpose should show up in our lives as the alarm clock, as the meals we are choosing for ourselves everyday, the activities we do, the places we travel to and of course what we choose to do for living. One should not take this decision lightly. Our purpose should ignite our eyes just at the thought of it. Unfortunately, oftentimes, we derail from our life purpose thinking that we are only taking a U turn, when in fact we are acting out of doubt. Many of us don't take into account that betraying our purpose jeopardizes our entire future. 
Some of us went into law because we did share certain morals and values and we saw it as our purpose to serve the society in a certain way. And many of us did, no doubt about that!!! However, along the line, we began to believe that maybe we can take certain shortcuts, step over our morals, dreams and purpose with no price to pay for it. 
Luckily the purpose put into a machine is more straightforward. A machine's purpose is to make our work more efficient; as simple as that. There is no risk of morals, values or life circumstances getting into its way. It is designed with a specific goal in mind and that is the beauty of it. 
However, I personally never took sides. I also believe that one cannot exist without the other. The purpose put into a machine is to assist, enhance and help our purpose thrive. The question is, why are so many of us resistant to one thing that can significantly improve our quality of life?