The History of The Future

As I was reading Blake J. Harris' book on the "History of the future", I was thinking about our journey into the legal tech adventure. Although Harris talks in his book about the rise of the 'Virtual Reality" and especially how a company like Oculus became the kickstart of a virtual reality revolution, I was thinking about the many amazing legal tech platforms that, in a way, are trying to do the same. We know for a fact what the history of the legal world entails, and the truth is that many of us are still living the history, although knowing how much it hurts us, we are resistant to change. When I think about the history of the future, I picture a world that has found a solution, however, its human nature stays in its way of transformation. Same as "virtual reality" was created for us to be able to transcend into a world, other than the real one, and be able to do pretty much anything our mind can possibly think of, we can perceive and allow Artificial Intelligence to do the same with our legal world. 
"The challenge is that many of these machines can create far more intricate models of reality than humans could possibly understand", says Clifford A. Pickover in his book named "Artificial Intelligence an Illustrated History". Does our resistance have anything to do with our readiness or maybe even fear of the unknown?  
"The mystery of consciousness, the limits of artificial intelligence, and the nature of the mind will be studied for years to come and have actually intrigued people from ancient times. The truth is that the future of AI will be among humanity's greatest achievements", says Pickover. 
How many of us can appreciate its achievements so far? What do we need to step into those achievements sooner rather than later?