What does it take to be a lawyer in 2021?

Going to Law School and passing the Bar exam are no longer enough for one to become a successful lawyer. Technology has disrupted the legal industry in ways that nobody expected. Aside from that, the definition of success has been slightly altered. The portrait of a lawyer from yesterday differs a lot from the portrait of the lawyer in 2021. In the past, being a lawyer in the United States or in any other country meant pretty much the same. All you had to do was to know the law and win the cases. Law School was pretty straightforward, and unfortunately it still is. However, learning by heart the rule of the law doesn't apply too often to real life situations, also some of the cases are not too authentic either. Not to mention the piles of dusty paperwork one had to go through as an Associate. My first assigned case was to collect a fine from a Respondent, in an administrative case, who was long passed.

Technology, however, has changed how law is being studied, practiced and even more transformed or at least forced to transform those who deliver this type of service to the public. It is not enough for the lawyer of 2021 to know the law, in addition, he has to be computer savvy, have great organizational skills, great writing skills and not to mention great knowledge of the legal software he will use in his practice. In addition to that, he will have to learn good self-care skills, mindfulness and how to be a whole and complete person rather than just a lawyer. In 2021, humanity will need more lawyers that care, that view others as people and not just money making machines; lawyers that do good for the world, especially for themselves. Because, being good to others starts from being good to yourself