What is the leading legal software in the world?

If you are one of those people who like to create an excel spreadsheet just to decide on what gym to join, measuring the pros and cons, or even decide on a small purchase such as a party dress, I am not. I personally get overwhelmed by the amalgam of choices and prefer to be given three options that I could choose from. The three options trick comes from my time spent renting apartments in New York City many years ago. So, if you didn't know how that works, I will share it with you. Your broker will usually show you three apartments on your very first appointment.

He will expect you to go with the middle one. You will be showed an apartment that is way above your budget, one that is below your budget, but doesn't meet your needs, and the middle choice will have a bit from both, because there is no such thing as having it all, especially if you live in a city like New York; but, enough about real estate.

I've ran a quick search on the leading legal software in the US and in the world and to my surprise there are more options than I thought. How many of those are efficient and actually used its hard to tell. So, given that I've got more than three options to look at, I did feel a bit overwhelmed. I know from my practice that each and every one of these platforms are helpful. Even if they only handle one area of your practice, you will still be one step ahead.

I've talked a lot about some of the legal software that comes up on the leading countries that we've looked into so far. The winners are Clio, Smokeball and Leap. Smokeball and Leap are somewhat alike. They do have similar features. To be able to differentiate each and every platform that came up during our research, we would need a lot of time. Although I do have some idea about how the market works in terms branding and competition, however, as a professional who is directly affected by this phenomena I am still unclear as to why do we need so many? Who benefits from them? How useful are each and every one of them to those who actually use them in their day to day practice and how many legal professionals are actually aware of their existence? Do you have a favorite legal software, if yes than why did you choose this one over the others?

by Galina Barbascumpa