What LegalZoom and WeVorce offer that traditional law firms don't?

We all know how challenging law can be. Each and every one of us has been affected by its dealings in one way or another. It is easy to minimize or ignore the role in plays in our day - to - day lives, however, when the time comes we all want to know what is the next right thing to do.

Navigating the legal system sometimes can be daunting even for a legal professional. Every state, county and Judge has its own rules and the narrower your issue is, the more attention and customization it requires.

The AI and specifically automation of some of the legal services gives us the impression that lawyers are becoming immaterial and the "do it on your own " strategy has become quite popular.

Yes we can agree that some of the e-legal services thrive because of their price, efficiency and easier access all together, however, we should also ask ourselves whether we really get what we need for the price we pay?

Here is what Legal Zoom and WeVorce offer that traditional law firms don't.

LegalZoom is famous for its quick and convenient solution for quality and accessible online legal services reputation. The company's mission is to make legal services available to the average American. However, we need to be mindful as well of the company's disclaimer which dictates that "LegalZoom is not a law firm, and the employees of LegalZoom are not acting as your attorney. In addition, its legal documents are not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. " We want to be mindful of the fact that by giving quick and affordable access to legal services to the average Americans, we also don't deprive them of the quality and whole legal service experience. It is important to be aware of the company's disclaimer and of the fact that your self-representation may be faulty or incomplete.

Furthermore, although LegalZoom provides you with the opportunity to speak with an attorney, be mindful of the fact that the company is not permitted to engage in the practice of law and is prohibited from providing any kind of advice, explanation, opinion, or recommendation.

WeVorce on the other hand, markets itself as a company that offers a better approach to divorce. I find WeVorce innovative and taking a New Age approach in terms of "not caring just about paperwork, but also about emotional being of their clients." So, the intentions are very good, however, WeVorce again is also not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. You will be working with a Wevorce certified mediator that will provide personalized coaching and mediation. They promise their customer a less messy and friendlier approach to divorce.

I found both legal e-platforms helpful and definitely following a good intention. However, what I would like to see is law firms and lawyers embracing some of the practices that they follow.  A case doesn't have to be messy when you are working with a lawyer who has strong principles and follows his own unshakeable Mission and Statement. WeVorce promises you a more friendly approach to you and your case. Why can't lawyers from traditional firms act in a similar way and if they can, what will it take?