What virtual law firm is not?

Before relocating to United States I've had a different idea of what law is about. As you very well know there is a significant difference between Common Law and European Law. Aside from that, the way the institutions are organized and function is so much different. Some areas of law were so much undeveloped in European Law countries that there were things I've heard about for the first time. Being a lawyer had also more to do with a title someone held rather than the big cases one had won. Clearly, there weren't so many high profile cases to be handled or an area of law they would fit in. United States and Common Law had opened for me new doors into the unknown and had taught me the multiple use of the law. Another exciting moment was learning the difference between the Federal and State Law and how it can affect the outcome of a case; in addition, the court system in every state and how to navigate it. If in Europe you were able to learn and navigate the court system just by following certain, very easy and simple step, in United States you need an entire Court Matrix that will guide you through the federal, state and even county court system. It is almost impossible to learn it by heart or assume that a rule applied by a Judge in the same court will apply to another Judge. So, in US you are kind of used to be in the unknown and take every single step of a case as a new one. Needless to say is that in US Law Schools teach you were to find the law and not to learn all the law that is out there, because that would be impossible.

Regardless of whether you are part of the traditional or virtual law generation, I am saying that because so many lawyers are still resisting the transformation, you will still encounter the challenges of the Justice system and the element of the unknown will be with you throughout. So, regardless of whether you are a part of the one generation or another, you will have to be mindful about what virtual law firm is not:

  •     virtual law firm is not a way to avoid dealing with the challenges of the court system. Although many courts do accept e-filed documents, some of them still don't, meaning that a part of your virtual law firm will still operate the traditional way;
  •     virtual law firm is not a way to save on legal staff. It is true that you will have the flexibility to hire virtual paralegals nationwide, or partner with a Virtual Assistants staffing firm like Equivity, but you will have to be mindful of the fact that sometimes hiring and keeping the best virtual paralegal will still require a good amount of expense on your end;
  •     virtual firm will not release you from the need of leadership in your firm. Even more, your leadership headline will have to be even more prominent and imprinted in the lives of those employees that you've never met, that are at very long distance from and are in need for guidance;
  •     furthermore, virtual law firm doesn't equal with less work and fewer responsibilities, but rather embracing innovation through learning of the new skills and being open to constant change.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

by Galina Barbascumpa