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Will Law Schools remain as competitive as they've been once?

Some of you may wonder how do I come up with the topics I write about? I am pleased to share with you, my reader, that each and every word laid down on paper passed through me and I really hope that I can share pieces of my life experiences with you. If you are dreaming about going to Law School then I hope some of my own insight will be of help to you, and if you've been out of Law School for a while, then you will enjoy remembering some of your own experiences. Aside from Medical School, Law School has always had a reputation of its own. First it sounded cool, then it looked very good on...

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Is your lawyer schooled in AI?

Just a year ago, we were talking about how technology has been disrupting the legal industry. I remember attending an international legal tech conference, where passionate legal tech professionals, from around the world, were sharing their view on how technology can improve the legal industry and what can be done better and how? The hot topics of the conference was organized around the open source and artificial intelligence concepts. The future seemed so far. At that time, at least to me, it felt like there were two generations talking about the possibility of meeting somewhere in the future. Just a year later, the world seemed disrupted all together and at the same time. Today, everything and everyone seems to have...

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Where is the Big Law Heading?

Would really love to hear everyone's feedback on this because this Question didn't let me sleep at night while being in my final year in Law School and even more when I had to face the market. The truth is that, I've never really been a fan of dogmatic trends. Quiet the opposite, I did act against the trends many many times. Some say this may be because I am an Aquarius, but I just think it is how I was wired. Having to attend countless interviews, after graduating, made me realize that getting a job with Big Law or any traditional law firm would bring me back to the past, and all I was interested in was heading towards...

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