Virtual Law in Australia

Writing for me is a healing process and tool, first of all. This week, I somehow came across the "My Cousin Vinny" movie and had a blast rewatching it. You can relate to Vinny's journey if you yourself had to follow the path. Most people only see the tip of the iceberg, but not the entire journey one has to pursue, because if one would know it in advance, they would probably never do it. The thing about becoming a lawyer is that the challenges really never stop, they just transform into something different. My team and I challenged ourselves into checking in with the post-pandemic legal world and see how it affected each of our targeted countries. 

Today, we've virtually landed in Australia. We tend to fear and resist change, however, most of the time it brings big transformations. Hence, the Australian legal market will never be the same, which is in fact a good post -pandemic outcome. The post COVID-19 changes are still unfolding and even yet to emerge, so the best is yet to come. As always, it all comes down to those who are able to adapt to changes and those who are not. The first group will employ technology skills and take advantage of all they bring, while the second group will find practicing particularly difficult. If in the past, most lawyers were focused on being remunerated for their hard work with money and status, the modern lawyer, especially the post-pandemic lawyer wants more than that. Today, lawyers are looking for flexibility and true work-life balance. Although Australia has been one of the first countries to legalise [e-signatures], the take-up has been slow, especially in the legal profession. However, the social distancing rules forced lawyers into using e-signatures, which actually worked out for the better. We all know how stubborn and traditional the legal industry can be, however, the pandemic has proved to the "non-believers" that working from home is no barrier to productivity and in fact increases the sense of wellness employees have. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"...I am sure that everyone has read this famous quote at least once. I can see how it applies so well to the impact COVID-19 had on the law firms. Although, the new normal will still include some of the old practices, we will have to really rethink how we work. If you've ever walked into a CourtRoom, you will hear what I am saying. Yes, we cannot ignore the many frustrations we had to put up with while trying to retrieve a file from a clerk, file a new case or you name it. However, if Courts were able to adapt so quickly to conducting hearings via platforms like Zoom, then we know for sure that change is possible. I am not saying that some of these Courts won't revert to the old way of doing things, however, the biggest step ahead was already accomplished, so we really have nothing to worry about.

Technology can help us transform every area of our lives. Today, we can find a machine for pretty much everything. However, what technology cannot change is our humanity, need for genuine interactions, face to face meetings and so on. Some of the things related to the legal practice will have to revert to their old ways of doing things and that is ok. Are you ready to go back to an office environment?

by Galina Barbascumpa