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Virtual Law in Africa

For a second I thought that COVID-19 is a matter of the past and very soon, very few of us will remember it even happened. Obviously, the impact of it affected each and every one of us and although we like to think that we were able to leave  behind our memories and feelings about it, in a way, it is possible that it will haunt us throughout our entire life. I personally like to think of the positive influence the pandemic had on us and especially the legal industry. For the first time, we've had the chance to look at the legal world as one, rather than isolated legal systems. Today, we don't talk about countries in terms of...

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Virtual Law in South America

Covid-19 has created a lot of confusion around the world. However, it also made the world a smaller place. Many businesses had to transform their approach to customers, product delivery, marketing and so on. Those who survived the pandemic and now thrive are the ones who were able to see change as an opportunity to grow and faced the times of adversity with grace. Those who did not, had to close down. These times of adversity represent great tests for us as individuals and entities. They show our commitment to ourselves and to others because without commitment everything fades away. Just a year ago we were terrified about the impact the pandemic had on our lives, but today this is...

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Virtual Law in Eastern Europe

The world became so small even before the pandemic. We’ve seen trends of exodus to and from different countries, especially after the Marx’ era vanished. For us, humans, it can be traumatic to strongly believe in something or someone and then watch how that faith crushes down right in front of us. We also like to think that we are very different. Be it born in the middle of New York or somewhere in an Eastern European village. We like and tend to believe that our country was the worst, that our politicians were more corrupt, that the country we were born in was just unbearable. We like to consider ourselves as victims, because that’s probably the only role model...

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Virtual Law in Western Europe

If you have read my articles, you've probably noticed that a trend has been flushing across the board. What is interesting is that my pre-pandemic research content was more focused on the Law Firm of the future, which seemed somewhere far and "yet to look into", and here I am today, not too long after, writing in the present moment. Little did I know that the future was going to arrive so fast. It is also interesting to write remotely about the impact of the pandemic in another country or even another continent in a time where it seems like the world stopped. It is very difficult, however, to judge the situation from afar while sitting in a New York...

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Virtual Law in Australia

Writing for me is a healing process and tool, first of all. This week, I somehow came across the "My Cousin Vinny" movie and had a blast rewatching it. You can relate to Vinny's journey if you yourself had to follow the path. Most people only see the tip of the iceberg, but not the entire journey one has to pursue, because if one would know it in advance, they would probably never do it. The thing about becoming a lawyer is that the challenges really never stop, they just transform into something different. My team and I challenged ourselves into checking in with the post-pandemic legal world and see how it affected each of our targeted countries.  Today, we've...

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