Why are lawyers so resistant to transformation?

One of my friends shared with me a few weeks ago an article about how positivity can, in fact, become and/or be perceived as toxic. It was interesting to explore another perspective, especially that I've always been passionate about how the human mind works. We can't deny the fact that we've found ourselves at least once searching for that right book that will fix us. Maybe lose a few pounds, learn how to become a team player, a better boss or employee, you name it. One of the most helpful and interesting books I've ever read during my time in the start up management was 'Leading with Questions", because one right question equals half of the answer. So, something tells me that the way I've formulated the question is right and hence I should be able to see the answer in it, but I am not quiet sure I can see it clearly, so please allow me to break it down because maybe this exercise will also help me understand myself better.

So, I think there should be no issue with the "why" and the verb "to be" here, since those are elements necessary to draft a question, so now let's proceed with the following keywords. Who is a lawyer? A lawyer is not just someone who wins cases, attends hearings, draft contracts and many other things. In every lawyer there is a very ambitious and pretty intelligent child who worked very hard to get where she is. And she did get where she is not necessarily but letting others telling her what to do, show the way or do, or say anything that will make her feel weak or not herself in any way. She is someone who told herself at some point during her career that she needed to be strong, that she could not allow others to see her vulnerabilities that she could only count on herself. And because she is all that and many more wonderful things, she promised herself that she will not allow herself or anyone make her feel weak and change in any way and her commitment to herself is stronger than anything because she learned how to walk the talk. She became unshakeable to her own disadvantage because life runs its course and whoever doesn't adapt to the course sometimes can be lead the wrong way.

Transformation requires first of all a good amount of humility and vulnerability. It is one of the most powerful way of life, but very difficult to attain. Sometimes it bumps heads with real life and even can fight with each other. Transformation sometimes requires giving up on the old self. It is the opposite of resistance, however, it has so much more freedom.

You would think that the more automatized the legal industry becomes the more lawyers will have to compete with computers. This is absolutely wrong. The more work will be taken over by the computers the more humble and empathetic lawyers will need to become because now more than ever there is a need for authenticity and human touch. Are you ready to transform yourself?