Why reinventing yourself as a Law School graduate will become significant?

One of my favorite professors at "AI. Cuza Iassy" told us during a class that although we were born little before or after the 90', we still had a communist mindset. If you were born in East Europe or know somebody who was, you've probably heard a lot of stories about life before many countries obtained so much wanted independence, life after acquiring it and life in the present moment. I would probably be the wrong person to argue that fact, support or deny it , but one thing I remember very well is that Communism was a lot about commitment. I still hear my mom bragging about that. How wonderful it was that one would know exactly a life path she would take. Girls, for example, had only two options: get married or go to School. Once in College, she would know that after graduation she would be assigned a job, in the city she was born or got married in, an apartment and she would be set for life. Yes, both the job and the apartment were secured by the Government. This storyline serves as great proof on the commitment issue I just brought up. Well again, I am not the one to judge if that was better. You may think for yourself!!!

However, given the topic I am reflecting on today, and living both stories to some extent, I can share with you my thoughts backed up by some real life experiences.

Why reinventing yourself, as a Law School graduate, will become significant is because unfortunately you will not be provided a job that you will be stuck with for life. Even though you would want that, it would not be possible because we are living different times. You may not have a job lined up upon graduation, and if you do, in a few months or so you may realize that you grew into a different person and that job doesn't align with who you are anymore. As you can see, there are more variables in our lives that we can think of. What seems today like a great opportunity may become tomorrow your worst nightmare. The only stable thing is the constant change. So, what would reinventing imply and why that may become the greatest gift you will give yourself:

  •     reinventing doesn't necessarily mean changing your career, even though you may want to explore that at some point in your life;
  •     you may only want to reinvent who you are at the personal level by pursuing a spiritual journey, and once on that path your career may take a different turn as well;
  •     reinventing can be about you being cross trained in many other different fields that would eventually make you take into consideration the whole picture, rather that the task at hand;
  •     reinventing can mean you wanting to open your business rather than following the traditional path;
  •     reinventing may mean you taking a break from Law to think about what's coming up next for you;
  •     reinventing may mean saying a lot of "NOs" to jobs, people and situations that don't serve you;
  •     reinventing may mean never turning back to Law if that is where your heart takes you.

Sometimes we may crave that kind of stability where everything is handed on a silver platter. Where you can predict where you are going to be years from now. And that can sound great for many of you, but some of you will definitely like something different. They will not mind some variables in their lives that will eventually force them to make a U-turn, but eventually put them on a right-soul path. They will be once who will bring transformation because every single soul search and reinvention will help them see the whole picture and give them courage to go after what they really want.