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Will AI Replace the Legal Professional?

Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have been going forward at a rapid pace, and we have all seen the results in our day-to-day lives. Watching AI both create and eradicate jobs begs the question, “will AI ever be able to replace the legal professional?”. Fortunately, the answer is “no”, but the two will have to learn to co-exist. While AI will substantially change the way law firms work, those that chose to embrace it will find themselves with a significant advantage over their competitors. This new technology will automate and expedite the more routine work that comes with being a lawyer. According to, “It’s predicted AI will eliminate most paralegal and legal research positions within the next decade”. This...

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Virtual Law in Africa

For a second I thought that COVID-19 is a matter of the past and very soon, very few of us will remember it even happened. Obviously, the impact of it affected each and every one of us and although we like to think that we were able to leave  behind our memories and feelings about it, in a way, it is possible that it will haunt us throughout our entire life. I personally like to think of the positive influence the pandemic had on us and especially the legal industry. For the first time, we've had the chance to look at the legal world as one, rather than isolated legal systems. Today, we don't talk about countries in terms of...

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The Rise of the Virtual Paralegal

As we find ourselves on the other side of this pandemic, we are now seeing just how much of a lasting impact COVID-19 will have on our legal system. In almost all fields of employment, there has been an increase of people moving remote- permanently. According to, 61% of workers prefer to work fully remote, and “by 2025, an estimated 70% of the workforce will be working remotely at least five days a month”. This, in addition to already established advances in technology, has resulted in the rise of the virtual paralegal.  Simply put, a paralegal’s job is to assist attorneys by maintaining communication with clients, as well as helping them prepare for hearings, trials, and meetings. However, all...

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Virtual Law in Asia

Law firms around the world are still looking for ways to cope with COVID-19 and its impact, and so do law firms in Asia. While they are being exposed to many opportunities, some of them more exciting than the others, certain things will never be the same. The first quarter of 2020 brought a complete or partial lock down in almost every jurisdiction in Asia, which impacted business and legal work in a negative way. While deals have been held up due to the inability to accomplish certain tasks that were once taken for granted, Asian law firms for the most part have been engaged in keeping the staff safe and ensuring business continuity. Technology allowed law firms to move...

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Virtual Law in South America

Covid-19 has created a lot of confusion around the world. However, it also made the world a smaller place. Many businesses had to transform their approach to customers, product delivery, marketing and so on. Those who survived the pandemic and now thrive are the ones who were able to see change as an opportunity to grow and faced the times of adversity with grace. Those who did not, had to close down. These times of adversity represent great tests for us as individuals and entities. They show our commitment to ourselves and to others because without commitment everything fades away. Just a year ago we were terrified about the impact the pandemic had on our lives, but today this is...

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