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What LegalZoom and WeVorce offer that traditional law firms don't?

We all know how challenging law can be. Each and every one of us has been affected by its dealings in one way or another. It is easy to minimize or ignore the role in plays in our day - to - day lives, however, when the time comes we all want to know what is the next right thing to do. Navigating the legal system sometimes can be daunting even for a legal professional. Every state, county and Judge has its own rules and the narrower your issue is, the more attention and customization it requires. The AI and specifically automation of some of the legal services gives us the impression that lawyers are becoming immaterial and the "do...

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Is your lawyer schooled in AI?

Just a year ago, we were talking about how technology has been disrupting the legal industry. I remember attending an international legal tech conference, where passionate legal tech professionals, from around the world, were sharing their view on how technology can improve the legal industry and what can be done better and how? The hot topics of the conference was organized around the open source and artificial intelligence concepts. The future seemed so far. At that time, at least to me, it felt like there were two generations talking about the possibility of meeting somewhere in the future. Just a year later, the world seemed disrupted all together and at the same time. Today, everything and everyone seems to have...

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How will AI change the legal world?

I've always had a great interest in the "legal industry"; first because of its complexity and second because of its inability to be quantified. My friend, who is now a very successful doctor in England, once said that "any faculty that doesn't deal with numbers is nothing but a place where students learn how to push the clouds" and Law School was one of them.  What he meant by "pushing the clouds" was that doctors learn how to save lives, engineers learn how to build things and all others do is talk. The irony is that the "law firm of the future" is now moving to the cloud. Go figure! The first things I've learned about the Law were from...

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