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Can lawyers become great leaders?

We like to talk about leadership a lot. There are numerous resources on this topic and although very often the principles suggested are followed, many times they are not. Having the opportunity to experience what leadership looks like in the West, East Europe and United States I can say that I have always set higher expectations in the United States because of the position it takes in the world and especially for having access to the best resources, at least until recently. Unfortunately, having access to the best resources does not necessarily mean that one will apply them and then there is this sense of entitlement which sounds like “I know everything that is to know about the topic and...

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Where technology meets the law and where it fails it?

The union between technology and law became very popular in the last few years. Although, technology has not been the only disrupter of the legal industry, it was and still is one of the most popular. This innovative "friendship " takes me to my first internship, which involved nothing but sorting through a huge pile of dusty files. Also, one of my clients who seems so resistant to letting go of his physical files and every time I walk into his office, I feel like he may need to rent another floor just for his files. Luckily, he owns the entire building. You may find some humor in my stories, because I do too, however, this is the truth and...

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