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Virtual Law in Western Europe

If you have read my articles, you've probably noticed that a trend has been flushing across the board. What is interesting is that my pre-pandemic research content was more focused on the Law Firm of the future, which seemed somewhere far and "yet to look into", and here I am today, not too long after, writing in the present moment. Little did I know that the future was going to arrive so fast. It is also interesting to write remotely about the impact of the pandemic in another country or even another continent in a time where it seems like the world stopped. It is very difficult, however, to judge the situation from afar while sitting in a New York...

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Top 10 legal software in the US

Our Legal Software journey around the world, at least for now, will be resumed with the top ten used legal platforms in the US. The question that popped up in my head is "where did everything start"? I am tempted to say that the first legal software was designed in one of the  Silicon Valley' startups, however, I may be wrong. Research will show us eventually how and where this new legal tech wave has its origins, but I will talk about that in a different article. So, let's turn our focus towards the US.  So far, Clio came up as the leader in the US and we did see it coming up in other countries as well. Having personal...

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Top 10 legal software in India

When I think of legal software, I think of all those amazing tools created by super talented engineers meant to enhance and ease the life of someone who is connected in any way to the legal industry. Yes, you are right "enhance" and "ease" and if you belong to the generation swamped and overwhelmed by the load of paperwork, than you will know where I am coming from. But, because the human being is not so great at identifying its needs and even more communicate them, there are still some discrepancies as to "what do lawyers need" and "how can we create, deliver and meet all of those needs". I also think that a lawyers' needs differ depending on the...

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How to choose the right legal software to run your law firm?

Choosing the right legal software to run your law firm can be more challenging than you thought. I am always impressed by the creativity of those that create and try or do sell them to lawyers. Some think that the financial aspect can be a barrier and a qualifier when choosing the right one for you, however I would say that the real answer is that there is no software out there that would solve all the challenges lawyers face today. Yes, there are some great leading platforms out there like Clio, Leap and Smokeball. I found that lawyers on the East Coast prefer using Clio and lawyers from the South prefer using the other two. Not sure how and...

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Can lawyers become great leaders?

We like to talk about leadership a lot. There are numerous resources on this topic and although very often the principles suggested are followed, many times they are not. Having the opportunity to experience what leadership looks like in the West, East Europe and United States I can say that I have always set higher expectations in the United States because of the position it takes in the world and especially for having access to the best resources, at least until recently. Unfortunately, having access to the best resources does not necessarily mean that one will apply them and then there is this sense of entitlement which sounds like “I know everything that is to know about the topic and...

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