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Is your law firm ready for machine learning?

The law firm of the future has always been a hot topic for me and I am sure that there are many people out there who love to speculate on the way it may turn around for many of us, for example the death of some of the jobs; and some of them even take the courage to predict the future. In a way, we all know that the best way to predict the future is by looking at the past. The book "Artificial Intelligence an Illustrated History" has shed some light in this regard. It talks about the beginning of the beginnings, from the Medieval Robots and all the way to the Neural Networks, that which we are living...

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What is the leading legal software in the world?

If you are one of those people who like to create an excel spreadsheet just to decide on what gym to join, measuring the pros and cons, or even decide on a small purchase such as a party dress, I am not. I personally get overwhelmed by the amalgam of choices and prefer to be given three options that I could choose from. The three options trick comes from my time spent renting apartments in New York City many years ago. So, if you didn't know how that works, I will share it with you. Your broker will usually show you three apartments on your very first appointment. He will expect you to go with the middle one. You will...

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Can legal software practices become obsolete and if yes who/what will replace them?

Lately we have encountered many theories of conspiracy and since I am not too fond of them I really hope that this article will not sound like one. I would call it a look into the future by examining the past. We are living in the era of the Aquarius and many experts are promising big transformations on the collective level and because the Aquarius is the voice of the future to some extent, I find it very insightful to think about the future of the legal tech. I would relate my story to the fashion industry and the history of it. As we very well notice, fashion always returned. We went from very long and puffy dresses to very...

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Why are lawyers so resistant to transformation?

One of my friends shared with me a few weeks ago an article about how positivity can, in fact, become and/or be perceived as toxic. It was interesting to explore another perspective, especially that I've always been passionate about how the human mind works. We can't deny the fact that we've found ourselves at least once searching for that right book that will fix us. Maybe lose a few pounds, learn how to become a team player, a better boss or employee, you name it. One of the most helpful and interesting books I've ever read during my time in the start up management was 'Leading with Questions", because one right question equals half of the answer. So, something tells...

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Will Law Schools remain as competitive as they've been once?

Some of you may wonder how do I come up with the topics I write about? I am pleased to share with you, my reader, that each and every word laid down on paper passed through me and I really hope that I can share pieces of my life experiences with you. If you are dreaming about going to Law School then I hope some of my own insight will be of help to you, and if you've been out of Law School for a while, then you will enjoy remembering some of your own experiences. Aside from Medical School, Law School has always had a reputation of its own. First it sounded cool, then it looked very good on...

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