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How to choose the right legal software to run your law firm?

Choosing the right legal software to run your law firm can be more challenging than you thought. I am always impressed by the creativity of those that create and try or do sell them to lawyers. Some think that the financial aspect can be a barrier and a qualifier when choosing the right one for you, however I would say that the real answer is that there is no software out there that would solve all the challenges lawyers face today. Yes, there are some great leading platforms out there like Clio, Leap and Smokeball. I found that lawyers on the East Coast prefer using Clio and lawyers from the South prefer using the other two. Not sure how and...

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Virtual Law Firm. Difference between myth and reality

Sometimes our lives take a spiral course instead of a linear one and no matter how much we want to control or change its course, it is not listening to us. The truth is, however, that I believe in one's capacity to direct the wind sometimes. The point I am trying to make it is quite different. There are many careers out there that require lots of direction and changes throughout life, however, law seemed pretty straightforward to me. It projected a somewhat stable life and income, prestige, reputation, good name [...] you name it. One thing I've learned since joining the legal crew was that one of the skills least used is the ability to listen. Well maybe lawyers...

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Can lawyers become great leaders?

We like to talk about leadership a lot. There are numerous resources on this topic and although very often the principles suggested are followed, many times they are not. Having the opportunity to experience what leadership looks like in the West, East Europe and United States I can say that I have always set higher expectations in the United States because of the position it takes in the world and especially for having access to the best resources, at least until recently. Unfortunately, having access to the best resources does not necessarily mean that one will apply them and then there is this sense of entitlement which sounds like “I know everything that is to know about the topic and...

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What will it take to become an empathetic lawyer?

Many of us who have decided to take on a career in the legal field, regardless of whether you are a practicing lawyer or not, did that because something about being a legal professional appealed to them. A wise man once said that our character shapes our destiny. I happen to agree with the fact that to be able to thrive in a certain field, legal or not, you need to have a certain character for that. For some that becomes an intuitive thing, because this is who they really are, and others need to build a character once embarked on this adventure. What I find interesting is that we spend years on building that character by telling ourselves how...

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Where technology meets the law and where it fails it?

The union between technology and law became very popular in the last few years. Although, technology has not been the only disrupter of the legal industry, it was and still is one of the most popular. This innovative "friendship " takes me to my first internship, which involved nothing but sorting through a huge pile of dusty files. Also, one of my clients who seems so resistant to letting go of his physical files and every time I walk into his office, I feel like he may need to rent another floor just for his files. Luckily, he owns the entire building. You may find some humor in my stories, because I do too, however, this is the truth and...

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