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Can AI be creative?

We've touched this topic a few times in our journey and I am sure that there will be more to be discovered and revealed. It reminded me of a book I read a while ago on "Blue Ocean Marketing" which I found amazing. It basically talks about creating new markets as opposed to competing with the existing ones. Companies like Apple, Google or Amazon followed this path to some extent, which set them apart from the crowd. I personally find creativity an imminent element that has the ability to revolutionise our lives every single day. It is like a fuel to our inner and outer purpose. We have to agree at least on this one. However, why are there so few revolutionary companies...

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Who do we trust in the Legal Tech era?

The concept of trust takes many shapes and forms in Rachel Botsman's book called "Who do we trust?". I personally found her book very unique and justifying with certainty the very famous statement, known to most of us "do not judge a book by its cover". Rachel Botsman managed to ask hundreds of people about what trust meant to them and to her surprise, the received answers were very different. What we know for sure is that trust is an interchangeable and constantly evolving concept. It is probably one of the most transforming terms that is constantly evolving and shaping our world. Without trust there will be no relationships, no institutions, no growth and what drives the growth today, technology? Rachel Botsamn defines trust as the...

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Virtual Law in Asia

Law firms around the world are still looking for ways to cope with COVID-19 and its impact, and so do law firms in Asia. While they are being exposed to many opportunities, some of them more exciting than the others, certain things will never be the same. The first quarter of 2020 brought a complete or partial lock down in almost every jurisdiction in Asia, which impacted business and legal work in a negative way. While deals have been held up due to the inability to accomplish certain tasks that were once taken for granted, Asian law firms for the most part have been engaged in keeping the staff safe and ensuring business continuity. Technology allowed law firms to move...

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Virtual Law in Eastern Europe

The world became so small even before the pandemic. We’ve seen trends of exodus to and from different countries, especially after the Marx’ era vanished. For us, humans, it can be traumatic to strongly believe in something or someone and then watch how that faith crushes down right in front of us. We also like to think that we are very different. Be it born in the middle of New York or somewhere in an Eastern European village. We like and tend to believe that our country was the worst, that our politicians were more corrupt, that the country we were born in was just unbearable. We like to consider ourselves as victims, because that’s probably the only role model...

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Virtual Law in Western Europe

If you have read my articles, you've probably noticed that a trend has been flushing across the board. What is interesting is that my pre-pandemic research content was more focused on the Law Firm of the future, which seemed somewhere far and "yet to look into", and here I am today, not too long after, writing in the present moment. Little did I know that the future was going to arrive so fast. It is also interesting to write remotely about the impact of the pandemic in another country or even another continent in a time where it seems like the world stopped. It is very difficult, however, to judge the situation from afar while sitting in a New York...

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