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Why are lawyers so resistant to transformation?

One of my friends shared with me a few weeks ago an article about how positivity can, in fact, become and/or be perceived as toxic. It was interesting to explore another perspective, especially that I've always been passionate about how the human mind works. We can't deny the fact that we've found ourselves at least once searching for that right book that will fix us. Maybe lose a few pounds, learn how to become a team player, a better boss or employee, you name it. One of the most helpful and interesting books I've ever read during my time in the start up management was 'Leading with Questions", because one right question equals half of the answer. So, something tells...

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Will Law Schools remain as competitive as they've been once?

Some of you may wonder how do I come up with the topics I write about? I am pleased to share with you, my reader, that each and every word laid down on paper passed through me and I really hope that I can share pieces of my life experiences with you. If you are dreaming about going to Law School then I hope some of my own insight will be of help to you, and if you've been out of Law School for a while, then you will enjoy remembering some of your own experiences. Aside from Medical School, Law School has always had a reputation of its own. First it sounded cool, then it looked very good on...

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What LegalZoom and WeVorce offer that traditional law firms don't?

We all know how challenging law can be. Each and every one of us has been affected by its dealings in one way or another. It is easy to minimize or ignore the role in plays in our day - to - day lives, however, when the time comes we all want to know what is the next right thing to do. Navigating the legal system sometimes can be daunting even for a legal professional. Every state, county and Judge has its own rules and the narrower your issue is, the more attention and customization it requires. The AI and specifically automation of some of the legal services gives us the impression that lawyers are becoming immaterial and the "do...

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Can your legal practice be 100% virtual? Things to keep in mind

Being able to work remotely/worldwide has always seemed like a great idea. We've been watching many industries being able to accommodate a flexible lifestyle and people choosing to live/work and run their business from the most exotic parts of the world. The idea of running a virtual business has been out there for quite some time. I've seen writers, software engineers and even COOs running their businesses or doing their job from a remote location. For a moment I thought that a similar formula could be applied to law firms. Some states did a great job in terms of coming up with guidelines and regulations that would allow lawyers to run their practice from a remote location while being in...

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