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Top 10 legal software in India

When I think of legal software, I think of all those amazing tools created by super talented engineers meant to enhance and ease the life of someone who is connected in any way to the legal industry. Yes, you are right "enhance" and "ease" and if you belong to the generation swamped and overwhelmed by the load of paperwork, than you will know where I am coming from. But, because the human being is not so great at identifying its needs and even more communicate them, there are still some discrepancies as to "what do lawyers need" and "how can we create, deliver and meet all of those needs". I also think that a lawyers' needs differ depending on the...

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Top 10 legal software in China

Today, I've decided to dive a bit into the unknown. China, as a country and legal system, has always presented an interest to me. As an emerging country with its growth driven by its Government' "way of doing things", it is very interesting to watch the role it plays in the international legal technology scene. I personally find it very intriguing and exciting to watch how countries, outside of the Silicon Valley, are keeping up with the legal tech trends. My team and I have dedicated some time to put together the top 10 legal software used in China. It was not an easy task, I will tell you, and obviously our goal was not to come up with a...

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What differentiates Clio from Leap and Smokeball?

Sometimes I ask myself, "How would it feel to only have access to one legal practice management software?" Imagine, every single office having access to the same features? It is possible that this would eliminate the need to train the new employees, which would probably save a lot of time and money. In addition, this may help the providers enhance their platform instead of worrying about the competition and focus on growth rather than on client retention. Fair enough, but then you will say "this is not how the market works". I get it! Fortunately, or unfortunately that it not an option. The journey into all of the existing legal practice management software is quiet intriguing and one may say...

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What is the leading legal software in the world?

If you are one of those people who like to create an excel spreadsheet just to decide on what gym to join, measuring the pros and cons, or even decide on a small purchase such as a party dress, I am not. I personally get overwhelmed by the amalgam of choices and prefer to be given three options that I could choose from. The three options trick comes from my time spent renting apartments in New York City many years ago. So, if you didn't know how that works, I will share it with you. Your broker will usually show you three apartments on your very first appointment. He will expect you to go with the middle one. You will...

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What virtual law firm is not?

Before relocating to United States I've had a different idea of what law is about. As you very well know there is a significant difference between Common Law and European Law. Aside from that, the way the institutions are organized and function is so much different. Some areas of law were so much undeveloped in European Law countries that there were things I've heard about for the first time. Being a lawyer had also more to do with a title someone held rather than the big cases one had won. Clearly, there weren't so many high profile cases to be handled or an area of law they would fit in. United States and Common Law had opened for me new...

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