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Virtual Law in Asia

Law firms around the world are still looking for ways to cope with COVID-19 and its impact, and so do law firms in Asia. While they are being exposed to many opportunities, some of them more exciting than the others, certain things will never be the same. The first quarter of 2020 brought a complete or partial lock down in almost every jurisdiction in Asia, which impacted business and legal work in a negative way. While deals have been held up due to the inability to accomplish certain tasks that were once taken for granted, Asian law firms for the most part have been engaged in keeping the staff safe and ensuring business continuity. Technology allowed law firms to move...

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How do countries that don't have access to legal software, if any, handle their legal practice?

The very first thing that popped up in my head was the Beatles' song "Imagine".  You can tell that I am getting a little more creative here. "Imagine there is no legal software It's easy if you try Not even one computer Just plain paper and a pen Imagine all lawyers working like in-good old days. Imagine there is no Clio, or Smokeball or no MyCase It isn't hard to do There is no need to choose among the best And no internet too Imagine all the lawyers working only using pen and paper."   These lyrics are amazing and we could go on and on with them. It would be difficult to identify a country that doesn't have access...

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Top 10 legal software in the US

Our Legal Software journey around the world, at least for now, will be resumed with the top ten used legal platforms in the US. The question that popped up in my head is "where did everything start"? I am tempted to say that the first legal software was designed in one of the  Silicon Valley' startups, however, I may be wrong. Research will show us eventually how and where this new legal tech wave has its origins, but I will talk about that in a different article. So, let's turn our focus towards the US.  So far, Clio came up as the leader in the US and we did see it coming up in other countries as well. Having personal...

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Top 10 legal software in Australia

Looking back at all of the available resources out there on "how to change your paradigm", or "how to plan your life and be certain about where you will be in 10 years from now" I realize that an event like the pandemic can really turn the world upside down and make us realize that there are areas of our lives that cannot be predicted with certainty and we must be ok with it. It became so intuitive for us to not leave any room for errors, follow a trend or be enmeshed in a toxic positivity conscious, however, what we need to realize is that every single thing of this world has its place in our lives, at a...

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Top 10 Legal Software in the UK

My first encounter with the UK, as a country, has happened in 2003, way before I've landed in New York. What I remember about my stay in the UK was the super clean streets, even in a city like London, very windy weather up in Norwich, the Queen's garden, the super long hot dogs and super tasty jelly donuts. Everything was so new and exciting to a girl coming from a small East European city. But this article is not about the Buckingham Palace and surely not about the jelly donuts. Instead, I will try to take a look into the legal software legal professionals rely on in the UK. This journey around the world has been quiet exciting. To...

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